Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Difficulties contacting the OEBB

I have been trying to purchase the discounted train tickets from Vienna to Budapest with no luck. First, my husband sent an email asking if we needed to call. After over a week, we decided to call. I tried two different numbers and basically, it hangs up each time. My husband tried as well and the same thing happened to him. First a man speaks, then we enter our selections, then there is music, and then it rings twice and hangs up. Does anyone have any suggestions?


Have you tried booking using their online ticketing facility? I think the %26quot;Flexibel nach Europa%26quot; will do the Wien-Budapesth tickets, and you can print them out yourself after purchase. I%26#39;ve used this a lot for travelling within Austria and it works fine. You can do seat reservations like that too.

I avoid using the telephone where possible - my German%26#39;s not up to much!



I believe that you can only book these discounted tickets by telephone at the ticket phone number ending in. 1717

Is this the number you called?


Hi! Did you contact them at +43/5/1717, at which time?…index.jsp

Normally it should not be a problem to book your tickets there! I only had the problem that sometimes I thought they %26quot;hang up%26quot; (no sound) but after some time somebody answered. Contact them between 7 am and 9.45 pm CET. The rail special at € 19 is only available in 2nd class.

Another possibility is to buy them online and print the tickets!

Go to:…

Choose %26quot;Wien West - Budapest via Hegyes.%26quot;

Datum der Hinfahrt - Date of first journey

Datum der Rückfahrt - Date of journey back (If you want it one way, don%26#39;t enter a date)

Klasse - Class

Sitzplatz Reservierung - Reservation for seat ohne=none, mit=with (if you want one, have a look at the end of my message)

Reiseteilnehmer = People travelling

älter als 14=older than 14

Click on %26quot;Reiseteilnehmer hinzufügen%26quot; if you want to add a second passenger...

Ermäßigung - Reduction: KEINE=none

Zahlungsart: Mode of Payment

Click: Weiter im Bestellvorgang


Standardpreis in allen betroffenen Ländern = Standard fare in all affected countries (This ticket is available on all trains at the date you chose).

RailSpecial - the reduced fare, only valid on the train you choose. Hinfahrt=way to destination Rückfahrt=way back.

It only shows the trains where the RailSpecial fare is available.

Choose the train you want.

Kundendaten - Client%26#39;s data

Anrede/Titel = Mr/Ms/Dr....

Nachname = Surname

Vorname = First name

E-Mail = ENTER IT, then the ticket will also be sent to your e-mail account.

Zahlungsdaten - Data for payment

Kreditkarten-Nummer = Numer of your credit card

Gültig bis = valid to (Monat=month, Jahr=year)


Ich akzeptiere die Tarifbestimmungen und Geschäftsbedingungen der ÖBB=I accept terms%26amp;conditions of ÖBB

Click %26quot;Weiter im Bestellvorgang%26quot;

Bitte um etwas Geduld, die Überprüfung Ihrer Daten kann etwas Zeit in Anspruch nehmen = Please wait a moment, processing your data can take some time.


The next pays shows a summary. Bestellnummer=Order Number

Then you have 3 mins to click %26quot;Bestellen=Order%26quot; and your credit card will be charged. Wait a second and you will see your ticket, just print it. Your link which shows your ticket will also be sent to your e-mail-account. Mind that there%26#39;s no refund or changement possible for online-tickets.

If you want a seat reservation (which is € 3,40/person/oneway) you will have to choose:

Raucher/Nichtraucher = Smoker/Nonsmoker

Großraumwagen/Abteilwagen = coach car (4-4 seats) /compartment car (6 seats per compartment)

Fensterplatz (wenn möglich) = Window seat (if possible)

Choose the same connection you%26#39;ve chosen on top of the page by clicking %26quot;VERBINDUNG AUSWÄHLEN=choose Connection%26quot; vorherige=last connex. nächste=next connex.

So, now you%26#39;ve studied enough German, I don%26#39;t know why ÖBB is so stupid not to offer the booking dialog in English... but I hope that could help you. Just write another message if there are any questions. I often use the online-ticket and it%26#39;s very convenient, furthermore you save phoning fees.


Thank you so much for your help! This is very useful to me and I don%26#39;t think I could have figured it out myself since I do not purchase from OEBB frequently. I did follow your directions but they only list dates through October 20 so I am going to check back next week since I need the tickets for November 11. I hope this does it!


No problem, you%26#39;re welcome! Just wait, tickets for you date will be available later.

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