I want to visit Vienna with my 12 years old brother, I am 21. I wnat to know if Vienna is safe and what problems would I have?
Tell me also some things about Vienna. Is it easy to visit Salzburg with train?
I am waiting...
Tell me as more as you can
Thank you!!!!!!
It%26#39;s very safe there, particular in the centre of the city. You can walk around during the day and at night and it%26#39;s fine. There will be lots of people also walking and using the public transport so you won%26#39;t feel isolated. There are a few places that might make you feel uncomfortable (eg. Karlsplatz UBahn station) but generally it%26#39;s fine and I%26#39;ve not had any problems walking around there on my own (though sometimes I think the other tourists can be a bit of a pain, especially in the summer months).
It%26#39;s quite easy to get to Salzburg by train - takes about 3.5 hours from the Vienna Westbahnhof with trains going about once an hour. It%26#39;s quite far to go there and back in one day though.
As well as being safe, Vienna is a very easy city to get around on the excellent public transport. I think it%26#39;s the nicest, cleanest, most convenient capital city I have visited.
I just got back!
I agree with everything Roley said ...but let me kick in a few more thoughts.
Salzburg is not a place I would try to do on my own. Vienna, Paris, Lucerne yes.... not Salzburg.
Too many people in tight quarters to much to see too much to miss. We took a day trip from Vienna and it was not enough time and rotten weather but still I saw more and felt safer than if I would have gone it alone. Not sure what the ideal would be but as a first timer I would not do this city without a guide.
PS...listen to Roley....she was dead on with everything she ever told me about Vienna :)
Look at this site for information about Vienna and the many things to do.
It is easier to look there for the things you may like to see.It gives a good description of the city, tips on restaurants, shopping etc.
After you review that site - post any questions you have here.
Try to book a hotel in the city center. It makes it much easier for you to sight see, shop and find good restaurants.
As mentioned , Vienna is a very safe city. Just take the normal precautions that you would any place.
But- be very careful in the transport system, especially the Subway ( U-bahn) when it is very crowded. Some tourists had their wallets taken this summer. These seems to happen most during these busy times.
No need for a guide, you can find your way easily.
You do not mention the number of days that you will be in Vienna. If your stay is limited, I would skip a trip to Salzburg.
If you have more time, it is certainly worth a visit.
Thank you for the kind endorsement, Newbee! Did you enjoy yourself in Vienna? What would be your top tip for something not to be missed there?
I was in Salzburg too a couple of weeks ago and it was raining then as well - seems they%26#39;ve had a pretty miserable summer this year! But the city is still lovely - though it seems to me that it%26#39;s getting a bit overrun with tourists from when I first used to go there when it was only really *that* busy in Festival season. Perhaps because they have increased the number of direct flights into the airport?
Hey Roley!
I loved Vienna but was very sick as it was the end of our trip and I was run ragged in the rain for over a week.....
The food was sooooo good! The beef and onions and the clear soup with the pancake noodles and the white wine. I enjoyed it more than anywhere else. (Though I did not care for the torte!)
I most enjoyed the square outside Stephendom with its impromtu music and the cathedral itself....but can you believe I actually cried as I watched the morning practice at the riding school? They are amazing. Ohh I forgot the summer palace...beautiful and the tour is informative too.
BTW Our room at Pertschy was huge with sitting area dining area another bed....and a chandeler :)
My top tip would be to tour the Opera house just prior to a production so you can watch the set being built and double back to see it when done....then wait in the giftshop til it is time to by tickets!
Thank you everybody.
Very useful information!!!
If I need anything else I will ask for your help again and when I visit Vienna I will write an extended review for everything I see.
Love from Greece!!!
Like Newbee, we%26#39;re just back from Vienna and Salzburg, and with all respect, must differ with his/her suggestion that Salzburg should be visited for the first time only with a guide. Others reading this thread should not, in our opinion, be dissuaded by his/her experience.
I realize that everyone has their own preference and comfort level when it comes to independent travel, but of the cities mentioned as comparisons, I%26#39;d name Salzburg as the one that%26#39;s easiest to see on one%26#39;s own (we%26#39;re non-athletic, non-German-speaking, retirees and indeed had never before been in a German-speaking country):
1. It%26#39;s small (speaking now of the %26quot;tourist%26quot; area, not the %26quot;real%26quot; city stretching beyond it) -- the Altstadt (Old Town) is only 3 blocks deep going back toward the fortress from the river, and you can walk literally from one end to the other, including a couple of 1-block digressions to the main churches, in 30 minutes. If you then cross over one of the several pedestrian bridges and come back on the Mirabell Palace side, you%26#39;ve eyeballed it all in one hour.
2. There aren%26#39;t all that many principal buildings to visit -- 3 churches, 2 Mozart house-museums, 2 palaces, 1 fortress.
3. Everyone seems to speak English, so even my disastrous attempts at menu-German and shopping-German were no hindrance.
4. The crowds were no worse than Vienna%26#39;s, and a fraction of what we subsequently encountered in Prague.
I suspect that Newbee%26#39;s reaction is due simply to feeling rushed, maybe exacerbated by the bad weather he/she encountered. A day trip is just not sufficent for Salzburg, with or without guide. We found 3 days just about right, including a boat trip down to Hellbrunn Palace and it%26#39;s %26quot;trick fountains%26quot; on the outskrts of town. Much as we liked Salzburg, and notorious as I am for trying to squeeze too much into too little travel time, I%26#39;d say if you only have 1 day for it, better to spend one more (and more relaxed) day in Vienna and save Salzburg for the next trip.
But that%26#39;s just our opinion.
about safety in Vienna
everywhere where big tourist crows are be carefull with your wallet
eg, in front of the Stephansdom, at the underground, in %26quot;Opernpassage%26quot;, Prater, Marihilferstrasse. A lot of pickpockets from Eastern Europe travels to Vienna at the same time as the tourist (@_@). So be aware of the woman who offers to read your palm.
To all tourists forget the stupid SACHERTORTE, it´s just a plain chocolate cake. We have so many different other cakes try them. My recommendation is DOMSPITZ, it´s a poppyseatcake from DO%26amp; CO . Instead of the Sachercafé go to anyother great coffeehouse: Café Schwarzenberg..definately my favourite, Café Landtmann (more expensive but it´s worth), Café Prückl etc
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