Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Are you on a very extended break in Wien or has your computer sunk somewhere? Your absence is missed. No, that%26#39;s not right, your presence is missed, your absence regretted!



Yeah, extended Wien break and I%26#39;m just this minute back. The horror! I am ignoring the unpacking and screeching along to my Lustige Witwe cd ... I had nearly 3 weeks in Austria - Pertisau in the Tirol, Salzburg and finally Wien. Siiiigh! Lovely!

Of course have a trillion things to report ... Kletzenbrot and Tiroler Zelten are back in the shops hoorah! Sturm in all the cafes and the opera season is going full blast ... I went to a couple of things the best of which was deff. Zauberfloete at the SO - it was a real hoot and Milagros Poblador (sp?) was excellent as Queen of the Night. My travelling companion dragged me to a ballet which left me cold - a bit of ballet in an operetta is plenty for me! We also saw the German version of Sound of Music at the VO which was better than the film (!!) though the Maria had a very weird voice. But I preferred Lustige Witwe another night (different Danilo, more comic). We enjoyed refreshment at the Cafe Weimar after that lot! You must give the VO a go - they%26#39;re doing a new production of Zauberfloete too presently. Oh yes, and I had a blast touring the stables of the Spanish Riding School - they now literally turn you loose in there for 20 mins to gawp at the stallions and I was belting up and down asking for autographs (not!) They are so tiny in person. Also rather stout! but in a good way, you know. Muscle r.t. flab.

I had hot choc in the Grand Cafe - is that where you went? That was to recover after I had covered myself with shame by coughing my way out of the stehplaetze at the Musikverein. The musical toilet appears to be busted, it just makes constant flushing, gurgling noises at present. The shops are full of more luscious things than ever. I am going back in a month (a sort of hiccup in my bookings - don%26#39;t quite know how that came about!) and I can%26#39;t wait!



3 weeks in Oesterreich!! Envy, envy!!

What is Sturm in the cafes?


Partly fermented grape juice. Produced only in the autumn following the grape harvest ... pretty toxic by the looks of it but the locals seem to love it! Me, I prefer the coffee ... slaver! But it%26#39;s a sign of the passing of the seasons I suppose ... it was odd, one day it was 26 and high summer, and I was gobbling ice outdoors at Oberlaa and then, whammo! Belting rain and 15 and Winter Is Officially Here. Away go the sunbrollies and pavement tables, everyone is inside guzzling Leberknoedelsuppe with their fur hats on (stylish!) Never a contrast like that in England where it gets steadily and imperceptibly colder and drearier ... it gives one a slightly hysterical feeling and like an agitated squirrel I found myself madly stockpiling Kletzenbrot and woolly garments.

Looking forward to Proper Winter in December, so I am!



Mmmmmh Sturm.

Was introduced to it on my first week in Austria by an %26quot;old hand%26quot; and never looked back. I prefer the red kind, though usually a white wine drinker.

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