Thursday, April 19, 2012

Local experts! What should I see in Vienna?

I am going on a tour and will be staying in Vienna for 3 nights. What attractions can you recommend for 2 adults? Can you recommend any cafe%26#39;s or resturants? Are there any day trips off the %26quot;beaten path%26quot; that are worth while?


Have a Schnitzel at figlmueller downtown. Cafe Landmann across the street of the University, or the Hotel Sacher, where there is also a coffee shop, or the Cafe Moazart on Neuer Markt. Grinzing is fun - go to the local wineries there, all within walking distance of one another, though that is more fun in the warm months than now. Have some pastry at the Dehmel on Kohlmarkt.


Your tour probably includes a quick look to the major tour sights of Vienna.

Hofburg Palace

Schonbrunn Palace

Belvedere Palace

Fine Arts Museum

Museum Quarter


Spanish Riding School

Look to Trip Advisor for more!

The remainder really depend on your interests


A night at the State or Volks Opera - a concert at one of the Concert Houses

A visit to the Albertina for one of the ever-changing art exhibits.

A visit to a Vienna Coffee House is a must

Cafe Central, Diglas, Landtmann, Sperl, Demel to name just a few.

Also try the pastry. - Not for those who count calories.


You probably will not find bad food anywhere- just look for a place you like.

Most will have menus posted outside. This allows you to see prices as well as the food served.

Many like the Schnitzel at Figlmuller- touisty but OK

Like wine and music- go to Grinzing and visit a heuriger- a wine tavern serving Vienna style food and new wine.

Take Streetcar #38 to Grinzing. It begins at Schottentor on thr Ring)to the end station- Then just walk up or down the street - many places available.

Only problem on your visit to Vienna will be that you do not have enough time to see everything.

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