Thursday, April 12, 2012

From the Train Station


We are arriving in Vienna from Prague via Train. I understand the Kaiserin Elisabeth is right off the underground? Does the main terminal connect to the subway system and which direction/what stop are we looking for?



Most trains from Prague arrive at the Westbahnhof.

Ater you enter the terminal look for the signs for the subway U-3.( U-bahn)

It will be on the lowest level of the terminal.

You can buy transport tickets at automatic machines - 1.50 euro each or at an office if open.

Take the U-3 in the direction of Simmering.

Proceed to the Stephansplatz stop ( also known as city center) this is the 5th stop .

Take escalators to the surface You will want to exit on to Kartnerstrasse. ( signs to guide you). You will walk on Kartnerstrasse, a pedestrian zone only about 200 meters to Weihbruggergasse.( spelling) Turn left and the hotel is about 100 meters down the street.

10-15 minutes on U-bahn 5 minute walk


Thanks Vertical! I can%26#39;t wait!


Enjoy your trip!


all trains from Prague arrive at Südbahnhof!!

exit the train station through the main entrance/exit and cross the tram tracks. wait for tram 18 direction Burggasse/Stadthalle and go 1 stop. there you have to change to the metro U1 direction Kagran and go 3 stops to Stephansplatz. from there you can walk to Kaiserin Elisabeth.


Deece- Thanks for the correction- One gets busy, means one thing, writes another. My post was meant to read most come to Sudbahnhof but some also come to Westbahnhof also. Then to give directions.

At least no matter where original poster terminates their journey.

Of course a few come to Franz Josef Bahnhof sometimes- another story.


Excellent, Danke!

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