Sunday, April 15, 2012

Girly shopping vocabulary

I%26#39;m hoping to buy some jewellery at Frey-Wille to match the ring I got there in February.

How would I say:

%26quot;What else do you have in this range, please?%26quot;



Do not worry- they speak english!


Das weiss ich, and excellently too, but I%26#39;m a courteous linguist and want to expand my vocabulary! :)


Probably the easiset way-

Was andere sachen sie in diesem preis haben ?

Many nice things in their shops!


You%26#39;re right! Their shops are very tempting!! (but this is a birthday treat). When I said %26#39;range%26#39;, I don%26#39;t mean price range but style/collection. Would Stil do?


Yes- just insert %26quot; stil %26quot;( style )for preis

Bring much money too- nice but expensive !


Just ask

%26quot;haben Sie noch weitere Sachen in diesem Stil?%26quot;

or if it is the price range you are after

%26quot;in diesem Preisbereich%26quot;


Another jewelry question. I am embarrassed to ask this as it reveals my immense ignorance of jewelry. My mother had a necklace/earring set of Austian crystal that I think was called %26quot;Aurora Borealis%26quot;. As a child I thought it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. It has since broken and I was thinking that while we were there I might acquire her a new set. (octogenarians deserve to feel pretty right?) Does such a thing really exist? Where would I buy it? How much would I have to pay? Thanks for any help.


according to their homepage ( Swarovski invented these stones in 1956

so you drop by in Swarovski store in Vienna


Kaerntnerstrasse 8, 1010 Wien

Mariahilferstraße 77-79, 1060 Wien

and many others

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