Saturday, April 21, 2012

Karlsplatz U bahn

I%26#39;ve read here once or twice about the modernization work going on at Karlsplatz - but I can%26#39;t find any articles online about it. Can anyone direct me to any info/update please?


the offical page for that project is on Viennas magistrate page:

that page is partly translated but the info about Karlsplatz isn%26#39;t. the details are under…karlsplatz.htm

at the bottom there is an e-mail address, maybe you could contact them if they have some of the information in english!


Thanks, Deece. I get some of the general drift and I%26#39;ll get my dictionary to work tomorrow!


at the subway station itself there is no contstruction sight

but on the exist to Resselpark . They build a new police station there. Are you a civil engeneer oder why are you so interested in this? I just remember my trip to Scri Lanka with a friend who studied civil engeneer and we had to stop at every construction sight (^_ ^)


at the subway station itself there is no contstruction sight

but on the exist to Resselpark . They build a new police station there. Are you a civil engeneer oder why are you so interested in this? I just remember my trip to Scri Lanka with a friend who studied civil engeneer and we had to stop at every construction sight (^_ ^)


As an American, I think many of the old cities in Europe are marvels of civil engineering and architecture throughout history. The example that springs to my mind first is the bell tower in Florence, with each floor completed by a different architect. In Vienna, many of the squares feature Renaissance, Baroque, and other styles of buildings right next to each other. The closest thing we have to that on this side of the pond is New York, and even then you have to cross your fingers that Donald Trump doesn%26#39;t want to tear something down to build a new apartment building.

One other thing about Vienna -- even the turn of the 20th century buildings are beautiful and spectacular -- like the Wagner pavillions at the Karlsplatz U-bahn station (see how I got back on topic? :) !


Will this development effect the Christmas market in any way?



the Christmas market is on the other side of Resselpark so there should be no effect at all.

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