Thursday, April 19, 2012

Christmas markets?

Hi, I will be in Vienna 3-5 December. I am hoping there will be some christmas markets with Gluewein and gifts. Can anyone comment if there are any, and where?


Look for a prior post on this forum regarding Christmas Markets.

All will be open during the period December 3-5.

They are

Schonbrunn Palace.

Combine a tour of Schonbrunn with a visit tothe Market that you will find just in front of the Palace.

Very nice gifts- food and wine also.

Rathaus ( City Hall) Perhaps the largest and some say least interesting for good gifts but still worth a visit especially at night when the parks on each side are lighted.

Also look to the windows of the Rathaus to see the Advent Calendar,


Narrow streets- many little shops and Kiosks. Usually quiet during the day. Busy at night.

Freyung and AmHof

two trditional markets near to each other on center city squares

Belvedere Palace

A newer market but nice things.Pace, both Upper and Lower Belvedere have impressive art collections in beautiful settings.

Karlsplatz- infront of the Church

usually a nice selection of hand made items. A good place

In past years , the Austrian clothing store Tostman has had a nice little market in their Keller ( basement). It features beautiful Christmas decorations.

Tourists would not think to go there as little or no advertisement.

I hope they have it again this year. If not , the store is still a nice place to look for Austrian fashion.

Located on Schottengasse between Freyung and Schottentor.- First District.

Also try some Punsch found numerous places. It helps to keep the cold away and warms cold feet!

Numerous other areas have small markets too , but the above are best known.

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