Friday, March 23, 2012

Soll...........Maestro Cards???

I am going to Soll at the end of January and was wondering if I could use my Maestro card there as I don%26#39;t want to bring a credit card with. Thanks in Advance



maestro cards are widely accepted all over Austria. Every shop accepts it but you could have difficulties in the bars and restaurants.

Maybe you can give me some feedback after your stay since I am thinking about going there myself somewhen during this winter.

Enjoy your holidays!


Cheers Rex,

I will give you a shout when I get back. Hopefully the bars shouldn%26#39;t be too much of a problem if I can get cash back in the shops or find a cash machine!!

Thanks Again



shops will not handle you out any cash; you just pay with your pin-code or even thru your cell phone. You will get cash from every ATM (there are lots of them) at very reasonable exchange rates. There are no fees for drawing money.

Autrians themselves use to pay almost everything cash.

Looking forward to read your Soell review in January.

Best regards and happy new year,



wwhhooa! whats this? no charge for ATM use on receiving end !? Almost EVERY one in US. charge a good fee ($3-3.50), and then similar, or a bit less by our own bank. We get it coming and going.

This is good news...what about Germany and Hungary?


Hi ekid,

It can be that your own bank charges you a fee but the usage of the cash machine itself is free of charge.

In Germany you have to pay around 3-5€ or even more depending on the amount of your withdrawal and the institute. I wasn´t in Germany since 2002, so hopefully that rip-off has changed meanwhile.

In Hungary there is a fee of 1,82€ plus 0,75 percent of your withrawal. I would strongly recommend to use the ATMs there, since this is the cheapest way to get forint there. Avoid the exchange offices. At my first stay in budapest i used such an office and made very bad experiences. Not just that I had to pay a very high commission i also got handled out bogus money from the office!!!! Was quite funny the next day, instead of checking out from the hotel and catching my plane I had to spent some time with the police.

But by the way Germany, Austria, Hungary. sounds as if you are going for a danube river cruise? If yes which ship? Used to cruise there myself for quite long time and maybe i can give you some advise.


going to Mosonmagyarovar in Hungary for dentistry. My 1st international travel. Landing in Munich, then taking the train. Americans hardly EVER take the train, its very inconvenient here. It%26#39;ll all be a new experience.


Hi ekid,

my PA had her teeth done there. Everything was done to her full satisfaction. Maybe I can get her to write you a few lines. She mentioned thaat it would be a very nice city with a must-have-seen thermal bath. € would be accepted everywhere. Although she liked the city she was staying in Bratislava(capital of slowakia) which would be situated almost within walking distance and spend most of her time on her bike, driving along the danube to Vienna which would be also closeby.

Anyway i can assure you that your trip to Europe will be much more comfortable for you than for us Europeans travelling to the states. My next trip is still one month to go but already now the US embassy covers me with papers and appointments and is treating me like .... But that´s another story.

Concerning the trains I can tell you as long as you are sitting in an Intercity, Eurocity, Euronight and not in a regional train you should be ok. There is no need to book the train in advance. Just inform yourself when your train departs, be at the station at that time, buy your ticket and then travel but keep away from They are just for fools and expensive.

It remains, wishing you all the best for your defloration trip,



Grim Peeper,

yes, Maestro is very widely used in Austria. Mostly accepted in shops, also in many restaurants and bars. Watch out for the Maestro sign on the entrance door. No problem to pull cash at ATMs, there are many (my search at yielded 5 results for %26quot;Bankomats%26quot;=ATM in Soell village. There should be no additional charge for pulling cash from the Austrian bank. Easy.



wow - that´s the most unusual story I´ve heard for a long time: to live in Indiana, and go to Mosonmagyarovar as your first international travel for dentistry . Why? Many Austrians go to Hungary for dentistry, (but even for plastical surgery) since it´s a lot cheaper. However, there are also some complaints and widespread criticism (esp. from Austrian dentists of course) that the quality there would not meet Austrian standards. I can´t really judge, but I prefer to pay more to my dentist in Vienna whom I trust, and know what I get.


WOW, I typed out laboriously a long reply to Rex and Amicus, then I lost it. Its gone.

Does anyone know if its going to be possible to arrive in Amsterdam at 7:am then Munich at 9:25, catch a train to Wien (5 hours) then the Hungarian border at Hegyeshalom, hopefully before sundown! It seems kind of tight.

My Dr., Frank Kannmann, offers to send someone to pick me up there. Rex, I suppose it%26#39;s too much to expect to share dentists?

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