Friday, March 23, 2012

Standing Room Tickets

I%26#39;m interested in attending several concerts, but on a limited budget with family of four.

Stehplatz tickets at Theater an der Wien and Musikverein Wien are 5E. I realize other, more expensive tickets would be much better, but are these tolerable alternatives at one or both conert halls?



I don%26#39;t know about the Theater an der Wien but I have been to the Stehplaetze at the Musikverein and I wouldn%26#39;t care to repeat the experience. They are located under the gallery, at the rear of the parterre but it%26#39;s just one flat area right at the back of the ground floor of the hall, railed off from the seating area at the front. If you can get up against the railing, you%26#39;re fine (everyone queues for about an hour beforehand and then bolts in like crazy with that object in view). If not, you%26#39;ll be standing up with nothing to lean on and a fairly limited view (since the floor is flat, unless you%26#39;re tall you won%26#39;t be able to see over the people in front). The acoustic is not the worst in the world but it%26#39;s limited since you%26#39;re under the gallery.

I had expected something like the stehplaetze at the Staatsoper which are much better - rather like football terraces with serried platforms and railings in front of each place for everyone to lean on. I could maybe last through a short opera at the Staatsoper but I gave up at the Musikverein - after half an hour standing in line and then being mashed in the crowd I got fed up and left (rude of me but I was also about to let rip with a huge coughing fit so I wanted to get out of the hall, stat!)

I think the Volksoper stehplaetze are also the terrace type - can Vertical confirm? If so I would recommend that. The other thing that puts me off the Musikverein is the %26quot;snob%26quot; factor - the concerts there are very expensive but the quality doesn%26#39;t always match (particularly the tourist-oriented Mozart/Strauss concerts). I%26#39;ll go there to hear individual performers or the Wiener Symphoniker, but otherwise I prefer other venues.

Not terribly helpful but at least that will give you some idea of what%26#39;s involved!

Rol, fond of her ease


While we%26#39;re on the subject of standing room tickets, I would just add that the standing places at the Spanish Riding School are not too bad. You can either stand in the gangway or up in one of the railed terraces in each window, which still gives you a reasonable view. Performances are not too long (1.5hrs) and I found leaning on the railings of the first row of a terrace was quite manageable, even for my putty-like limbs.



Thanks, that is very helpful.

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